The overall goal of PARI is to improve food and nutrition security and enhance sustainable agricultural value chains in the African and Indian food systems through independent analysis and policy advice. It is a collaborative project between German, African and Indian research organizations. This review takes stock of the evolution of PARI over time. In so doing, it assesses whether the project is aligned with African and German policy priorities, evaluates the outcomes of the project and their relevance and likely sustainability, and identifies thematic areas for the next phase of the project.

Key findings:

  • PARI is well aligned with African priorities in the area of food and and agriculture and the German government’s strategies for Africa. are well aligned.
  • A particular strength of the project is the transnational network of over 300 researchers from Africa, India and Germany, which has been established over the last 10 years, which will also contribute to the sustainability of contribute to the sustainability of PARI in the long term.
  • The dissemination of research results and political commitment political commitment have been central elements of PARI throughout the of PARI.
  • To further extend the impact of PARI, the evaluation suggests increased investment in the development of research capacities in Africa, the involvement of a broader range of partners, an expansion of the research topics (e.g. climate protection, conflicts or governance) and even closer links with policy processes.


Categories: Publications

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